Thursday 28 February 2013

Where am I?

Where Am I?

This city is located within the Cordillera, on both banks of the Columbia River, and is approximately 10 km north of the US border. The area in which this city is located is between the Monashee Mountains (west) and the Selkirk Mountains (east). Because this city lies within the interior of the Cordillera, it is usually cold and dry with large amounts of snow during the winter. During the summer, it is warmer with less rain then then coast. This city gets less snow then it's neighbours (Fruitville and Rossland) because is is located at the very bottom of the valley.

This cities approximate total of 1800 working people work at Teck Resources, a smelter/mine for zinc, gold, copper, coal and oil. This city also is home to the largest hospital in the West Kootney region, The Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital.

There are many things to do within this city. Two local pools (one indoor and one outdoor) and a skating rink offer enjoyment for all ages all year round. A public park called Gyro Park is popular for its 'Music in the Park' days (Thursday's in July and August) and it's warm sunny beaches. If you want a little more adventure, the fast moving Columbia river offers a place for avid swimmers and rapid paddlers to go. These currents, also known as “The Onions” are very strong and very cold. A good sized baseball diamond is also there, available to avid players and beginners.

This city has a population of 7237 people according to the census in 2006. Today, this city has a mosaic of ethnic backgrounds, but in the beginning life of this city, the people who lived there were mostly immigrants from Scotland, Italy and Germany. Trail is a proud city still supported by the Cominco Smelter Plant built there many years ago.

This city is located in the Columbia River Basin, although, the city itself is located in a very arid region. The natural landscape around the city varies from desert and rocky, to thick dense forests. This city anchored itself on the bank of the Columbia River, leading to pollutants from the Smelter factory changing the river and surrounding ecosystem drastically. This city and surrounding areas are home to many large species of wildlife including cougars, black bears, white tailed dear, elk, and wild turkeys can be frequently seen within the city itself.

The US border is within 10 km of this city. It's closest neighbours are Fruitvale and Rossland. Further out are cities like Castlegar, Grand Forks, Creston and Nelson.

Climate Chart:

Tuesday 26 February 2013

where am i?

Where Am I?

The nearest city is Campbell River. The economy here is built on their natural resources such as; zinc, copper, lead, gold, silver and coal. Their surrounding forests are used for their logging, sawmills and pulp mills. Campbell river is quite a popular place for tourism, fishing and many other nature attractions.

There is a campground here where dogs are aloud to run around and not be yelled at. There are hiking trails that are very long and seem to go forever; you climb down into dry rivers and up on to the other side, you jump crevasses, climb over logs or under, it is a lot of fun. There are kids up the zooming around on their quads, mini motorbikes and doom buggies. My family and I go during Easter break and dare each other to jump into the water; which is usually low in the river bed. My brother and I race my dogs up the super steep hill of rocks; it is so steep we are practically crawling. We camp basically right beside a dam and love to walk up to the dam where there is a pool of water that the dogs love; I think it's warmer than the rest of the water there. We have a HUGE bonfire, roast marshmallows, and tell stories. The funnest thing my ant did was cut open glow sticks and flick the inside on to a bunch of white shirts then put them on the kids so when it get dark the adults can still locate the kids. This is an amazing place camp as you can see, it is defiantly in my top 5 places to camp.

 Population and Culture make-up
The population of the nearest city; Campbell River is 36,096. Campbell river used to be home to the Coast Salish K'omoks First Nations. They lived there for over a millennium. The cultural make up is made up from art of all kinds like; first nations jewelry and carvings. They also have many festivals and celebrations.

The ecosystem here is really nice, there are lots of trees and cold fresh water. There is quite a variety of animals here ranging from fish and deer to bear and cougars but some animals are only around during a specific times of the year. No worries though there are animals that will stay year round so the is always wild life around.

100 km parameter
You could get to Campbell River, Powell River and Port Alberni within 100 km. It is within in a big park. Here is a climate graph.

By: Rebecca Shuck

Mikaelas Where am I project

Brief Description: Located in a region called clayoquot sound. There is about 400,000 hectares of land and marine inlets. There is miles of sandy beaches and lots of ocean. There is loads of tall old growth ceders surrounding the area.
Climate Graph:

Economy: The economy in this rural area makes all of there money through there tourism attractions and events. Much like Victoria.

Leisure: There are many fun things to do in this rural area that a truly fun and really exciting, such as: Whale Watching, Hiking, Ocean kayaking and of course fishing.

Population and cultural make up: This rural area has a small population of 1655 peoples. The main age group of people living here are males and females between the ages of 30-45. 8% of this areas people is made up for first nations peoples.

Ecosystem: In this rural area there are tons of plants and animals, many of them the same as what we have here in Victoria. There are plants such as the ever green trees and beautiful flowers in the spring and summer. There are many animals such as: Bears, cougars, deer, squirrels and many other animals.

100km parameter: If you wanted to go travel you could travel to Ucluelet British Columbia in a short drive of just 30km or you can also travel to Port Alberni British Columbia in 80km.

Arianas Where am I project

Where Am I? - James Rischmiller


Physical Region - The surrounding physical region is mostly large rocky flat lands and some valleys, however in this place there are many large buildings. Nearby are two very large lakes, however neither of them are one of the Great Lakes. One of the Great Lakes, however, is nearby. This place is located in the southern Canadian Shield.

Economy – As an urban area, the economy here is very diverse, including a large financial sector, transportation, industrial, food and beverage production, manufacturing, and more. The economy here is moderately strong, similar to Canada's economy in general. There is not a lot of forestry, as trees are not as abundant as they are elsewhere in Canada. The main branch of the Canadian Mint is located in Winnipeg, and this adds to the economy in part because it produces all of Canada's currency.

Leisure – There are a lot of sports teams hailing from here, among the most notable their hockey team, however their football team is also very prominent. There are also a lot of museums to be found in the immediate area. The performing arts also make up a sizable portion of the leisure to be enjoyed in this place. There is also a large ballet school located here, as well as many other dance shools.

Population/Cultural Make-up – Made up by 663,617 people. This place has the highest Filipino population of anywhere in Canada, however most people there are of European descent. About one in ten residents speak English and French, 99% are fluent in English, and about a tenth of a percent speak only French. Altogether, though, over a hundred languages are spoken in Winnipeg,

Ecosystem – Before the urban area was developed, the area was fairly forested, however there would have been a significant bog-type ecosystem, though it would have been seasonal. Some trees remain, particularly elms, making an urban forest type ecosystem. Most of the animals here are domestic in nature, but there are many smaller animals like the standard array of birds and smaller mammals such as squirrels.

Within 100km – You can pass into two different US states without much trouble, one of which partially includes one of the great lakes. There are two other lakes that take up a large part of the province just North of this place, however they may be a bit further than 100km.

Stewardship – The Lake -------- Stewardship Program to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous levels in a large nearby lake was successful and ended in 2010. This initiative successfully managed to reduce pollutants and raise nutrients to pre-1970s levels, much cleaner than when it was started. It was run by the provincial government and was almost abandoned, however the citizens of the city rallied for it so much that the government decided to continue the eventually-successful project.
Where am I?                                                Jenny

Geography: covers an area of 630 km squared of almost flat land. We are nearest to a lake that has the same name as our Provence and the city is surrounded by a greenbelt of trees and plants. The highest point protrudes nearly 210 meters high. Many rivers run through the city. You will know is you are at the north end because you will be able to look down hill and see the enormous lake.

Economy: retail sales of over 60 billion dollars annually.
70 billion dollars in goods sent all over the world annually

Leisure: in the city there are many bike trails. There are reserved lanes just for bikes on our roads and many forested trails throughout town. Another thing we like to do is skate. The city if filled with many indoor and outdoor rinks so that citizens (and visitors) can enjoy one of Canada's oldest pastimes. Or perhaps you are a tourist and you would like to the large pointy thing that stands out on the horizon.

Population: this city is one of the most multicultural cities in Canada. It houses residence from Mexico to Vietnam and everywhere in between. At last count, statistics Canada estimated that there were over 2 million residence in Toronto, almost half of which are form foreign countries.

Ecosystem: the lake that is beside us is an ecosystem in itself. Many large ships come into our harbours and empty out their salt water filled tanks, polluting the fresh water with salt water organisms. The land around the city is covered in forest which is home to many expected forest ecosystems.

100km parameter: around the city there are many lakes. Each one connected to one another. The forest surrounds the greater metropolitan area. Many lakes and rivers flow around the city (including: Kawartha lakes, Niagra Escarpment and lake Simcoe), some are only as short drive away.

Stewardship: somethings the city is doing is making 'complex ecological restoration projects'. The city is also encouraging it's citizens to partake in 'environmental awareness' activities (including recreation and educational activities)

Monday 25 February 2013

Thursday 21 February 2013

Respond to Canadian Identity Prezis

Look at one of the Prezi presentations on Canadian Identity.

Compare the presentations with the five attributes of Canadian Identity. 

In a sentence or two, describe how one specific aspect of the prezi connects to a specific aspect of Canadian Identity. 

Where are you- Canadian Geography Assignment

Where are you?
Have you played twenty questions? This research project will be similar to a game of twenty questions.
You will research and write up a blog posting that simulates an official tourism site, except that you can not name the specific location.  
You and your classmates will then ask questions about three different sites and guess their location. Marks will be awarded for clever questions and not necessarily the complete answer.
First, decide if you would like to describe a rural or urban area. If you do choose a rural area, there must be a small town, known tourist site or famous physical destination as a guiding landmark. Anywhere in Canada is fine.
Please begin with a write up describing the physical region of your site. It will help classmates to narrow their search. Use your notes from the textbook to help you describe the region.
Have a graph for climate. It could be for a specific place or it could cover the general area around your chosen spot. Look for a graph or climate chart online.
Include a description of the following points:
*economy- what are the primary economies of your location?
*leisure- what is fun and popular?
*population and cultural make-up- who lives there and how many?
*ecosystem- if an urban setting, what ecosystem can you guess has been lost?
*100 km parameter….where can you travel within a 100 km that would help your classmates locate your site? For example, if I wrote about Vancouver, I could mention going south to cross the border into the United States. I probably wouldn’t mention which state (keep them guessing).
For Bonus Marks: Include any examples of stewardship going on in your site or community. Be specific but do not name it!
How much should you write? Enough to give an accurate detailed description of each category, which will depend on your location.
Remember that your write up should keep classmates guessing but not be so vague or incomprehensible that no one will guess your location.
In simple terms, write a paragraph for each category.
Please include at least three photos, but again, don’t give away your location!
For an example, please see the tourism website for Campbell River, but remember that I’m not asking you to recreate an entire tourist website.
Please create a bibliography of at least five sources . Use a citation maker from the library research site. Print out and hand in to me.  
The rest of your work will be posted on our blog.

Friday 8 February 2013

What is Canada (Reposted) - Abby, Arla, Paige and Rachelle (Prezi)

What is Canada? Niina, Lara, and Kiara

Niina set up the Prezi with contributions from Kiara to figure out the layout of things. All three of us thought of ideas for stereotypes, good things, and bad things about Canada. All three of us did various research and looking for pictures to use. Kiara and Niina typed up the info while Lara put out ideas for what to say.

What is Canada? Alan, Jason and Trevor

Thursday 7 February 2013


By Ben, Tyler, Mathew, and Connor.

What each member of our group did: Ben worked on Finding the pictures, Tyler helped correct the spelling mistakes as Connor and Mathew worked on laying the Prezi out making it look good laying out the Text and pictures.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

by: Mikaela McIsaac, Sophia Stel, Audrey Smith, and Ariana Wilson

What is canada- Abby Arla Paige and rachelle (prezi)

James and James What is Canada? (Prezi)

Rebecca x2 What is Canada?


Rebecca x2 canadian identiy


Assignment #1-  What is Canada?
In a small group, brainstorm the characteristics of Canada.
Consider stereotypes, facts, personal experiences, and the five characteristics from Ms. C's blog:

Refine your brainstorm into different categories- then pick five words or phrases to describe Canada.  Feel free to use the five categories from Ms. C's blog:

Particular Emphasis on the Tri-Cultural Nature of Canada  
 Canada Became a Country Without Having a Revolution

 "Peace, Order, and Good Government"


 Geophysical Factors

Put together a prezi and post the link to this blog.  You can also post five pictures with the a explanation of each phrase/word.  
Please be creative...use media, pictures, songs etc.  

Discuss the importance of how we think/feel about our country.  We will refer back to these posters later in the semester.

Visual Representation 10
Creativity                     10
Powerful Words and Phrases   10
Presentation    10

Response to a presentation  15  

At the end of your blog,  please write in a few sentences how each 
member contributed to the assignment.