Tuesday 26 February 2013

Where Am I? - James Rischmiller


Physical Region - The surrounding physical region is mostly large rocky flat lands and some valleys, however in this place there are many large buildings. Nearby are two very large lakes, however neither of them are one of the Great Lakes. One of the Great Lakes, however, is nearby. This place is located in the southern Canadian Shield.

Economy – As an urban area, the economy here is very diverse, including a large financial sector, transportation, industrial, food and beverage production, manufacturing, and more. The economy here is moderately strong, similar to Canada's economy in general. There is not a lot of forestry, as trees are not as abundant as they are elsewhere in Canada. The main branch of the Canadian Mint is located in Winnipeg, and this adds to the economy in part because it produces all of Canada's currency.

Leisure – There are a lot of sports teams hailing from here, among the most notable their hockey team, however their football team is also very prominent. There are also a lot of museums to be found in the immediate area. The performing arts also make up a sizable portion of the leisure to be enjoyed in this place. There is also a large ballet school located here, as well as many other dance shools.

Population/Cultural Make-up – Made up by 663,617 people. This place has the highest Filipino population of anywhere in Canada, however most people there are of European descent. About one in ten residents speak English and French, 99% are fluent in English, and about a tenth of a percent speak only French. Altogether, though, over a hundred languages are spoken in Winnipeg,

Ecosystem – Before the urban area was developed, the area was fairly forested, however there would have been a significant bog-type ecosystem, though it would have been seasonal. Some trees remain, particularly elms, making an urban forest type ecosystem. Most of the animals here are domestic in nature, but there are many smaller animals like the standard array of birds and smaller mammals such as squirrels.

Within 100km – You can pass into two different US states without much trouble, one of which partially includes one of the great lakes. There are two other lakes that take up a large part of the province just North of this place, however they may be a bit further than 100km.

Stewardship – The Lake -------- Stewardship Program to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous levels in a large nearby lake was successful and ended in 2010. This initiative successfully managed to reduce pollutants and raise nutrients to pre-1970s levels, much cleaner than when it was started. It was run by the provincial government and was almost abandoned, however the citizens of the city rallied for it so much that the government decided to continue the eventually-successful project.

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