Friday 8 February 2013

What is Canada? Alan, Jason and Trevor


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really liked how you mentioned that Canada was multicultural and we have freedom to vote, and freedom to be who we are, Canadian.
    Over all I really enjoyed your Prezi on Canada and how we're a multicultural country.

  3. the multi-colored hands really help convey the theme of a multi-cultural society. the fact that "each culture is it's own and not westernized" is an important factor of Canadian identity because we are a mosaic (everyone's culture is a piece of Canada) as opposed to the American ''melting pot'' theory. good work with conveying those themes.

  4. They way you guys talked about how Canadians are known and respected internationally, really relates to our value of peace and good government.

  5. I really enjoyed your picture of the maple leaf! I think it does a great job representing the beauty of Canada's natural landscape.
