Thursday 21 February 2013

Where are you- Canadian Geography Assignment

Where are you?
Have you played twenty questions? This research project will be similar to a game of twenty questions.
You will research and write up a blog posting that simulates an official tourism site, except that you can not name the specific location.  
You and your classmates will then ask questions about three different sites and guess their location. Marks will be awarded for clever questions and not necessarily the complete answer.
First, decide if you would like to describe a rural or urban area. If you do choose a rural area, there must be a small town, known tourist site or famous physical destination as a guiding landmark. Anywhere in Canada is fine.
Please begin with a write up describing the physical region of your site. It will help classmates to narrow their search. Use your notes from the textbook to help you describe the region.
Have a graph for climate. It could be for a specific place or it could cover the general area around your chosen spot. Look for a graph or climate chart online.
Include a description of the following points:
*economy- what are the primary economies of your location?
*leisure- what is fun and popular?
*population and cultural make-up- who lives there and how many?
*ecosystem- if an urban setting, what ecosystem can you guess has been lost?
*100 km parameter….where can you travel within a 100 km that would help your classmates locate your site? For example, if I wrote about Vancouver, I could mention going south to cross the border into the United States. I probably wouldn’t mention which state (keep them guessing).
For Bonus Marks: Include any examples of stewardship going on in your site or community. Be specific but do not name it!
How much should you write? Enough to give an accurate detailed description of each category, which will depend on your location.
Remember that your write up should keep classmates guessing but not be so vague or incomprehensible that no one will guess your location.
In simple terms, write a paragraph for each category.
Please include at least three photos, but again, don’t give away your location!
For an example, please see the tourism website for Campbell River, but remember that I’m not asking you to recreate an entire tourist website.
Please create a bibliography of at least five sources . Use a citation maker from the library research site. Print out and hand in to me.  
The rest of your work will be posted on our blog.